I got Jessie's dresses and hat done, but not Tracie's!
I decided I didn't like the beads on the collar of the doll dress so I took them off!
I tried to stay up all night Wednesday to finish Tracie's dress but I got sick about 3 am so I laid down to just doze a little. I woke up at 7 am and started to sew, I found I had not cut out some of the pieces I needed and that I had cut out some of my pieces wrong! Another testament to procrastination as a no no!
I have run into some problems with the pattern and I am struggling to finish it and mail it still this weekend!
I did get Jessie's dresses in the mail on Thursday so they should arrive by Saturday in time for Easter. I am sad I didn't get Tracie's dress done in time, but that is totally my fault.
I hope to get Jessie's "GONE WITH THE WIND DRESS" done in time for her birthday May 2nd. Which means I need to start now, don't let me procrastinate, K?
I could have maybe finished Tracie's yesterday and still got it in the mail in time, but I had a full day of work with Nikki and our bakery so it didn't happen.
I am heading out soon to go to Nikki's and finish up our weekend projects.
Talk at you later!
"For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Indeed,
rarely will anyone die for a righteous person – though perhaps for a good person
someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we
were still sinners Christ died for us."
Romans 5.6-8
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