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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hi, how are all today? I am wonderful! I just finished lunch and I am about to work on my project, oh joy! I just read the paper ( I am of an age where I read the headlines, funnies, horoscope, and obituaries) and I am sad a friend of mine just passed away unexpectedly she was only 55! She was a sweetheart and will be greatly missed. God Bless and keep you Jan Pearson!

I am going to start on my project today, because I don't know when I will get a chance to work on it again! Did I tell you all that my daughter is starting a made to order bakery? Well she is, I think the name she has chosen is Cravings! cute right?

She just informed me we have 4 cakes to make for this weekend and 4 for next weekend! Oh happy days! 2 birthday cakes this weekend, and 2 for a charity auction, and next weekend is going to be decorated cupcakes for a baby shower and 2 more cakes for a different charity auction! How exciting right? I am really excited about working with fondant. I figure it will be a lot like working with play-doh, right? Nikki has already taken cake decorating classes and has a lot of the equipment needed, plus she learned cake decorating when she worked at Baskin-Robbins, decorating ice-cream cakes. The only problem I can see is that we are both perfectionists and we are both screamers. So this should be interesting, but fun. I will share our good and bad experiences with you I am sure they will be enjoyable.

But back to my project, I would like to finish the doll dress today so hopefully I can show you the finished project tomorrow.

Todays quote is something a friend posted on Facebook and is as follows;

Make A Difference ~
I expect to pass through this world but once.
Any kindness that I can show, let me do now,
for I shall not pass this way again.

Isn't this beautiful and true? I just had to share, for some reason it just made my day!

Have a wonderful day, I know I will

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